As you trudge on down the tunnel, the point man suddenly utters a loud yell and disappears. [Roll 2D6. The point man has fallen into a pit trap 10 feet deep and must take that many points of damage.]

[The second person in line must make a L2SR on Dexterity to avoid falling in. If he misses the roll, he also falls and takes 2D6 worth of damage. If he makes it, he is able to stop on the very brink and avoid harm.]

Everyone else is able to avoid the trap.

At that moment, you all hear a grinding rumble coming from behind you, and a stone wall closes off the passage several feet behind the last person in line. There will be no going back along this path.

You pull the victims out of the pit and find a narrow trail bypassing it on the left. If the fall killed anyone, you redistribute their wealth and goods. If everyone survived, you patch up their injuries as well as possible and appoint a new pointman. [Be sure to write down your new marching order.]

You may rest once you have passed the pit and recuperate as much as possible. This would be a good time to eat a ration of food and drink something. If you rest, wizards will regain all lost strength. If you have any healing spells, now is the time to apply them.

As soon as you are ready, you must go on.