This chamber is approximately 50 feet square, but the walls are very irregular. The floor is covered with a lot of broken stone, and lots of garbage, mostly old fish bones. There are several vile-smelling yellow puddles in low hollows in the floor, and piles of what look and smell like old dung in the corners. Toward the back there is an unusually large pile of garbage consisting of broken pieces of wood, shattered pick heads, a couple of skeletons, and a lot of dung. It smells really bad in this room, but it seems to have been an important place for the Goblins. Maybe they like foul odors!

[As you explore the room, there are several actions each character will need to take. First, make a L1SR on Dexterity. Those who miss the saving roll lose their footing and fall into the offal. The fall produces a deep bruise that subtracts 1 from CON, and the offal adds a certain nastiness to your general character—subtract 1 from CHR. The physical damage will heal in a day, but the charisma damage is permanent until you find a solitaire dungeon that lets you take a bath using soap, or a live action game master who allows it. Make a note on your character card—THIS GUY STINKS!]

[Next, have all characters try to make a L2SR on Luck. Nothing happens to those who miss the saving roll, but those who make it notice an unusual gleam in a section of gouged-out wall.]

[Next, have the character with the lowest Charisma go investigate the pile of garbage by the back wall. When he gets there, he sees something that looks like the corner of a door behind all the trash. But while he was digging around in all the trash, he had to make a L1SR on Luck. If he missed the saving roll, he managed to hurt himself and takes a point of damage. But, if he made the saving roll, he found a small pouch in the trash with something in it.]

[Still, all this rooting around is hard on the Charisma. Have the trash pile investigator permanently reduce his charisma by one point, and note on his card—THIS GUY STINKS. If he already has such a notation, change it to THIS GUY REALLY REALLY STINKS!]

Stinky found a door hidden behind the trash pile. Do you want to dig it out and enter, or will you leave it shut and go back to the intersection?