Just as you reach the turn leading back to the intersection, a heavy iron portcullis falls, closing the tunnel in front of you! The door behind you flies open, and ten Goblins charge your group. The hall here is wide enough for a general melee. Each party member will have to fight at least one Goblin, with extras being assigned randomly. Since you are fleeing, you won't get to use missile weapons or spells in the first combat round. This is a fight to the finish. Either you die or the Goblins do.

[These Goblins are a bit bigger and tougher than any you have seen so far. Each has a Constitution of 20 and is armed with either a pick or a sledge hammer—five of each. Those with picks get 3D6+10 adds in combat, and those with hammers get 5D6+10. Each one is worth 40 adventure points.]

[Magicians may cast combat spells in round two of the fight if they wish.]

If the Goblins win, then you are DEAD!!!

If you beat all the Goblins, then your treasure will be their heads and their weapons. The picks are worth 30 gold pieces each and the hammers are worth 25 gold pieces. The heads are worth 10 gold a piece.

Big Goblin

Once you have slain all the Goblins, the only way out of here is to exit through the door they came in by.