You exit from the Old Dwarf Mine without any difficulty. Burdened with treasure, and goblin heads, you make your way down the mountain to the village of Roksney. Long before you arrive, the villagers see you coming, children come out and dance all around you. The only guy who doesn't look very happy to see you is old Barnbuilder.

"Erh, how many Goblin heads did you bring us?" he asks apprehensively. You empty your bags and show him all the heads. He pulls out a pouch of coins and says, "That will be one gold piece per head, as promised," he says hopefully.

"Hey, that was ten gold pieces per head!" the dumbest member of your party calls out.

Barnbuilder looks really embarassed. "Uh, there isn't that much money in the whole village," he tells you. "I think I can afford one gold per goblin." He looks at you with a pleading expression on his face, as if to say, "don't shame me in front of my people!"

Will you agree to one gold per goblin, or
tell him that's okay and you don't need a reward for helping people in trouble, or
get angry.